Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yoga, Anyone?

When the weather changes from the cold, brutal winter to the hot, beautiful summer days in New York, you know it's time for Times Square's annual yoga session! What a sight to be seen - hundreds upon hundreds of people in the middle of Times Square doing Downward Facing Dog or Warrior One pose.

This yearly event is called, Solstice in Times Square: Athleta Mind Over Madness Yoga.  This year, it is scheduled for Friday, June 21, 2013

On the Times Square official website it states, "Thousands of yoga enthusiasts will come together for a collective ohm on the longest day of the year (June 21st) to participate in an all day yoga fest".   (Official Times Square Website)  I find it interesting that they don't just pick any random day, but the longest day of the year.

The first time I saw hundreds  of people doing yoga as I walked through Times Square I was so confused.  It was my first summer working in New York.  What is going on and don't people have work?!  I don't know why they don't make this event on a weekend where more people can participate, but they obviously still have a lot of people that come out. 

 It's pretty cool, and definitely a unique experience I don't think you can get anywhere else.  I think it would be fun to try and participate in one year.  I'm sure it's a very powerful experience if you are really into yoga.  It would be very zen ;]

Yoga, anyone? 


  1. This sounds so amazing! I never knew NYC did such a thing. I know times square is filled with unpredictable sites and people but this event is definitely a unique one indeed. I will save the date and look into Solstice in Times Square.

    1. It's really cool, you have to check it out!

  2. This is an awesome idea! I haven't really done yoga before, so this would be a great first experience at it!
