Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Things Got Weird..

A funny thing happened to me on the way to work on a beautiful summer day a few years ago.  Everyday I walk down 8th Avenue up to 51st Street to get to work.  For some reason, I decided to walk through Times Square in the morning. I don't know why because I really dislike walking through Times Square when I'm in a rush on my way to work.  Well, it was a beautiful day and I had gotten into the city earlier than expected.

As I was walking trying to walk around all the tourists, I was stopped suddently by a man. Usually, I ignore most people who try to sell me something or want money.  But this guy had six, yes SIX, rats on his shoulders!  Three on each side!   Obviously, my first reaction was "EWWWW WTF!"  I freaked out and I tried to run away from him, but this guy thougth it was funny and followed me!  Other people were screaming and running away as well.   I was NOT happy!  All I can say was that it definitly woke me up in the morning!

If I wanted to pet his rats, I would have asked.  People are SO weird.  Apparently this guy is ALWAYS in Times Square. If you google, "Rat Man in Times Square", his picture appears!  People will do anything for attention, but I find it creepy and just plain weird.      

Beware of all the weirdos in Times Square!   It could happen to you!

St. Peter's Square in Rome

I went to Italy a few years ago for a Study Abroad program with the University of Delaware, and was was fortunate enough to visit one of the most famous squares in Rome.  St. Peter's Square, or in Italian, Piazza San Pietro, is located in the heart of Vatican City. It's an extremely beautiful and very affluent place.

In April 1655, Alexander VII was elected as the new pope and commissioned sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini to create a new square. It took twelve years to complete his vision. 

Detail of a colonnade on St. Peter's Square in RomeSt. Peter's Square is bordered on either side by semi-circular coloumns in a semi-circle which, according to Bernini, symbolize the stretched arms of the church embracing the world. The columsns were built in 1660 and consist of four rows of columns with in total 284 columns. The columns are 66 feet high.  140 statues were installed on top of the colonnades, all created by Bernini and his students. They represent popes, martyrs, evangelists and other religious figures.
On special occasions or holidays, such as the election of a new pope or on Easter, an average of 400,000 people are in the square.  It is a holy site and home to some beautiful and famous art. 

Unlike Times Square, there are no Street Performers and it is very clean.  This is after all, a holy site and home of the Vatican.  I was lucky enough to take a tour and learn about the history and art here.  It amazes me how wealthy Vatican city is, when just outside the gates the city is full of poor people.    
I hope to visit again soon.  I loved Rome and everything it had to offer.   

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Naked Truth: Chatting With The Naked Cowboy, Himself!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with the Naked Cowboy, whose real name is Robert John Burck.  I really didn't know what to expect, but I have to say, I was completely taken back with how passionate and motivated he is about what he does. After speaking with him, I was so inspired to chase after my dreams.  Enjoy!

So where are you from?
I’m from Cincinnati, Ohio.

And how did you end up in New York?
Well I was in Cincinnati, again I was born and raised in Cincinatti, and at some point I read Tony Robbins book, Of Unlimited Power.  Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker. But everything out of the guy’s mouth… he’s very motivational. After reading him, he basically, you know, as far as getting what you want in life, you need to know what you want. You write it out, you focus on it. So for 15 years of reading him, and this is a document I read everyday (SidenoteHe pulls out a huge stack of paper that is written all over and highlighted) on either a stair climber, an elliptical or a running machine, so I’m constantly reading this dialogue. 

So he motivated you?
Yeah, I basically wrote out these goals. He basically says you can have anything you want in your life, you just gotta know what you want. It all started with goal setting, and this is the same document I've literately been reading for about 16 years.  When, just like everybody else in the world, I’m not motivated, don’t feel like doing it, don’t give a shit, I just listen to him... And my life is literately mirroring all these things I've read and studied all my life.  Goal is to be the most famous man on the face of the earth, the richest, most successful, most profitable, most affluent...

So why the naked cowboy? What made you want to do this specifically?
Well in 1998 I was in Venice Beach,California.  I was shooting for Playgirl magazine.  Another thing about Tony, he says you have to not only know what you want, but once you know what you want, find people who HAVE what you want. So who has limousines taking them back and forth, Learjets, all the money in the world? Endorsements?  Money?  Who has that?  Movie stars, kings, presidents, you name it.  So I went into political science in school, I went into pre-med (thought I’d be a doctor or lawyer). Ended up with a political science degree.

From where?
University of Cincinnati  Then I went for my masters degree in business administration.  That was a 2 year program, I did one year of it, straight As, but at that point I decided I was already going back and forth from California  LA, everywhere I could possibly go to following modeling leads, things like that. I tried to be an actor and a country singer.

In 1998, I was shooting for Playgirl magazine. So I was shooting with a gay photographer who was going to be shooting me nude.  I went down to Venice beach on my off time, cause I was trying to be a country singer too, and just started singing. Had an old acoustic that my mother always had the house. So I went down the beach, and I had on jeans, a vest, and a flannel shirt on.  I played all day with my guitar and was ignored the entire day.  One kid threw 2 cents at me, and a little old lady put a dollar in my hat.  So I didn't make any money.

And the photographer that was shooting me for the nude magazine said, "Why don’t you play in your underwear?  Do something different."  I was like, "That’s fucking great!"

I went back in my underwear, which is what Tony Robbins would call, “marshalling your resources”.

Wasn't a great singer, didn't have the best body, wasn't a good dancer, all these things.   But combining it, just going in my underwear, everybody took pictures all day. And a news crew happened to be just walking down the boardwalk, they filmed me, I was on the news.  I got an interview with the LA Times.

Did you ever imagine you would get so much attention from all this?
Yea, absolutely.  Was determined from day one because he (Tony Robbins) told me that I could be, to have everything that I want in my life.  And I have it, and it keeps growing every single day. Got a new guitar endorsement, we got liquor endorsements, Naked Cowboy oysters, Naked Cowgirl oysters... I mean everything is just growing astronomically. And I expect to be living in a penthouse in NYC.

So you obviously enjoy the spotlight that’s on you.
I enjoy it, but it’s necessary for people to see me because what I am epitomizes what anyone can do. And it liberates and frees all people to be just like me. And that’s what everybody wants; they want to walk this earth as a king or a queen. And we all have that.  It's our vanity that rules us, and that’s a good thing.

Why no boxers?
Well when the guy told me to get in my underwear, I had the same underwear my mother bought me when I was 12 yrs old.  And it wasn't a conscious decision to wear boxers or briefs, but I think it works too because people have a taboo of being locked, stuck outside in their underwear, so to speak.  And it kind of plays into that kind of common phobia that people have being stuck outside in their underwear.
Do you ever get cold?
I get cold all winter long, but I deal with it.  Everyday you end up feeling like a failure no matter how many times you get out there cause you have to work so hard to do it.

How do you feel about impostors?
We have no impostors, we got 4 cowboys and 4 cowgirls.

Oh, so they’re all under the franchise?
Yup, they are all licensed and franchised.

So where do you want to go from here, where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Again, penthouse in NYC, my own helipad, my own helicopter that flies me over to my home in Weehawken, NJ and a plethora of castles all over the world, because just again, the more success, the more famous or richer I am, and I want to be the richest man on the face of the earth, most inspiring, most sexiest motherfucker on the face of the earth, and I can go all day long with this. Because the greater the success, the more validation you get from everyone else, and that forces them to look and look at what I’m doing and how I've been doing it. And they recognize they control their own destinies, if they take the time.  I’m 100%, I’m focused.

What is the one thing that you have learned, that you take away from all this?
To me its always about getting greater and greater faith that everything is gonna work out. Staying in the right frame of mind, stay focused. And even when you don’t succeed on a daily basis, you don’t do everything you can, keep your spirit up, cause the next day is coming.  Cause, ultimately, I got over it.  Keeping your mentality up, which takes 24 hours a day.  And you’ll eventually, I believe, have it on a level where just nothing can bring you down... you’re like a Buddha.  You're just happy.

Do you just stay in New York, or do you travel?
Yeah, I mean I don’t take any days off. To me, the Naked Cowboy is no longer what I do, it’s who I am. Anything other than singing and playing guitar as the Naked Cowboy is pointless.    

Wow!  What a nice, sweet, and intelligent guy.  He talked a mile a minute, (my head was spinning) and was so energetic, but is also so determined and driven.  The Naked Cowboy has a truly inspiring story, and he's just getting started.  I believe he will go far!   

Monday, April 15, 2013

Give My Regards To Broadway

George M. Cohan (1878-1942) was a very famous figure in the theater scene as a composer, playwright, actor, and producer.  Little Johnny Jones, his first big Broadway hit introduced his songs "Give My Regards To Broadway" and "The Yankee Doodle Boy". His statue in Times Square was put up in the 1960s in recognition of his musical contributions to the war effort through his songs, "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "Over There".

The 7-foot tall statue of the American composer sits on an 8-foot tall base with inscriptions including "Give My Regards to Broadway," "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway/Yankee-Doodle Boy," "You're a Grand Old Flag/Over There," and "Mary's a Grand Old Name/Harrigan".  It is a pretty tall landmark, and hard to miss! 

You can see the statue of George M Cohan in Duffy Square, which is the northern triangle of Times Square, located on Seventh Avenue, Duffy Square, was dedicated in 1937. It has been a magnet for tourists, a staging area for public rallies, and even the scene of victory celebrations. 

Who knew there was such history in Times Square! 

How-To Hail A Cab

Zoom! The cab drove right by me.
“Alright, maybe he didn’t see me…”

Let's face it, if you're not from around here, you do NOT know how to hail a cab!  Hailing a cab can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing or what to look for. Here are a few easy steps on how to hail a New York City cab:

1.  Know Which Cab is Available 

The first trick to successfully hailing a taxi is to find one that's available.  So how can you tell?  It's all about the lights!  On top of every cab is a light on the roof.  To figure out which cab is available, pay attention to how these lights are lit.  Look for the number in the center, with the words "Off Duty" on both sides of it.  

  • Available Cab = Just the center number is lit and nothing else.  HAIL AWAY! 
  • Occupied Cab = None of the lights are lit.  Don't try to hail it! 
  • Off Duty Cab = Both the center number and the "off duty" lights are lit.  The cab won't stop for you!  

2. Hailing the Cab 


  • Find an ideal spot
Street corners are the best places to a hail a cab.
  • Stand on the side of the street toward where you are going
Usually cab drivers don't want to turn around, so standing on the side of the street that has traffic going downtown if you're heading downtown is ideal.
  • Stick your arm out like you mean it
Lift your arm up and out!  No time for timidness; This is New York City!

*Please Note:
Don't whistle or yell, "Taxi!"  They only do that in the movies, and it makes you look like a tourist/dummy ;]  

3. Getting In The Cab 
  • Give the cross streets or an address, not just a place.
  • No more than 4 people in a cab at a time.  Don't squeeze in 6 people in a cab.  The cab driver won't move so don't even try it.  
4.  Taxi Etiquette

  • First come, first serve! If you show any hesitation for a cab that stops for you, don't be surprised if someone else takes it. 
  • Help a lady in and out of a cab!  Be a gentlemen!

Now go out and hail a cab like a true New Yorker!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Times Square After Dark

There seems to be quite a difference from Times Square during the day and Times Square at night.  I don't know what it is about nighttime   Maybe it's the lights, but the atmosphere completely changes once the sun goes down. 

I actually prefer Times Square at night.  I think it's just more fun than during the day. The energy at night is indescribable, but something everyone should experience.  People aren't on their way to work anymore, and it's just more relaxed and fun.

The neon signs flashing and music coming from bars and cafes, with thousands of people walking around this exciting and vibrant area.  Taking a walk down 42nd is especially fun at nighttime because the whole entire street is lit up!  Pictures don't do it justice, and I think you just have to go and experience it for yourself.

There aren't that many street performers at night, but there is still so much to see and do.  It's fun to sit on the steps in the middle of the square or go eat at a restaurant, or see a Broadway show!  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Should The Creepy Times Square Costumed Characters Be Regulated?" by the Gothamist Blog

As I write about Times Square, I like to draw inspiration from other related blogs.  I came across a blog that I love to read on a daily basis called, the Gothamist.  The Gothamist is a great interactive blog that is updated on a daily basis about all types of news and events happening in New York City. 

Lo and behold, today there was a blog post about the Costumed Characters in Times Square!  I recently posted about the same topic in a post called, Behind The Mask, so I found this blog post esepcially intriquing

On Sunday, a man dressed as Cookie Monster allegedly shoved a child and cursed at his mother when she didn't tip fast enough.. The situation has attracted so much media attention that now regulation is being considered.

 Check it out:  Gothamist .  This blog was written by Sophie Keelman, an avid Gothamist blogger.  She writes,
"Super Mario groped the woman...Elmost was ranting anti-Semitic things, Spider-Man punched a woman int he face.  Now a kid was attacked my Cookie-Monster.  And those are just ones where there's been an arrest!"
While these characters are supposed to be harmless and all in good fun, this situation is actually very frightening.  It even made the front cover the NY Post.  Cover of NY Post

Even though I have felt bad for the people that are forcred to work as a costumed character, there is no excuse for this type of behavior.  In fact, I'm glad I have become aware of what is going on.  It's sad that people have to ruin such a fun and enjoyable part of the Times Square atmosphere.  Kids get so excited when they see their favorite character, and they should never be victimized to any sort of this distrubing behavior.

I hope immediate action will be taken and there will be regulations for these characters from now on.

Wikipedia Changed My Post!

So I checked back to the Wikipedia post I previously changed regarding the TKTs booth in Times Square.  Someone deleted everything I wrote!  How rude!  It is actually pretty funny to me that it got deleted so fast.  Some people take Wikipedia very seriously, I guess.

To see what I wrote in Wikipedia before, refer back to my old post What's That Big Red Thing In The Middle of Times Sq?

What the post says as of today:  "New York City's TKTS (pronounced phonetically "tee kay tee ess") first opened in 1973 and is operated by the Theatre Development Fund. There are three locations: one in Duffy Square (at W 47th Street and Broadway, the north end of Times Square); another in Downtown Brooklyn (Jay St. and Myrtle St. Promenade); and a third at the South Street Seaport in Lower Manhattan (replacing the office formerly located in the lobby of the World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks).[1] The Seaport location has been temporarily closed after sustaining damage from Hurricane Sandy in the fall of 2012. The Times Square booth sells day-of-performance tickets only at a discounted price. Availability can vary, and some shows may not be available".

So since someone changed my post, I decided to change it again!  It's kind of fun to change postings on Wikipedia.  They don't necessearily have to be true or factual, which is the exact reason why teachers always tell you, Wikipedia is NOT a good source!  These postings are done by anyone and can be edited at any given time.  I didn't think what I wrote on Wikipedia was that bad, but apparently someone didn't like it.  Let's see how long my new posting will last ;]

New post as of today:  "The Times Square TKTs booth only sells day-of-performance tickets at discounted prices. After standing in line for what can be hours, ticket availability is always limited. Shows may not be available, especially the popular ones. Once you get to the window of the TKT booth, you must decide very quickly which show you want to see, as the people that work there have no patience and nor do the people behind you. To do this, there are electronic signs that tell you what is avaialble at that time, which speeds the process up. If you don't have a preference of which show to see, the TKT booth is your best option. It's always a toss-up. Good luck!"

I purposely wrote something silly to see how fast this posting gets changed on Wikipedia.  I give it a week before someone deletes my post. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Restaurant Row

Restaurant Row is one of the funnest areas to eat in Midtown.  It's located on 46th Street between Broadway and 9th  Avenue in the heart of the Theater District.  The name says it all; it's simply a row of restaurants.  There is such a variety to choose from, and you can enjoy cuisine from all over the world.   

This are is perfect for those who are going to see a Broadway show, and many of the restaurants have pre-fixed menus.  It's fun to go at night and walk down the street trying to decide which restaurant to go to.  As you walk down the street, hosts from the restaurants stand outside trying to get you to come in.  It can be overwhelming, but it's still fun to experience. 

Le Rivage is my favorite French restaurant to go to.  It's been a tradition of my mom and I to go here before we see a show!  Check out their website: Le Rivage
It's located on 340 West 46th Street, between 8th & 9th Avenue.  The service is always great, and the atmosphere is nice.  It's cozy and intimate, and the food is great too!  Yum!

To get a list of the other restaurants on Restaurant Row check out:  Restaurant Row
Here you can see the variety of places to choose from.  There are Italian, Greek, American, French, Brazilian, Mexican, Irish, and more.  This area is great because there is something for everyone. 

Time Out New York has a great  review of their top ten favorite restaurants in Restaurant Row: Timeout New York

I reccommend Restaurant Row for anyone who hasn't been to New York and is seeing a Broadway show.  It's a perfect combination for a night out on the town!

Sh*T New Yorkers Say

If you ever wondered what the stereotype for New Yorkers is, then this is the perfect video to watch. This YouTube video is hilarious and pretty accurate!  It pokes fun at the "typical New Yorker", and I can honestly say I find myself saying so many of these things.  

I can relate to a lot of the things that they are saying and making fun of.  I'm ALWAYS asking where the train is and of course always complaining about Tourists!  Watch the video if you want a good laugh!

I find that New Yorkers have an edge to them, and people can always tell when you're not from the area.  Here are 5 differences between New Yorkers and people from LA:

1. Los Angeles is the land of delusions. You can live your life thinking you’re the best invention since sliced bread and no one will question your self-importance. New York is different.  if you do develop an ego and start to think you’re amazing, there will always be something to bring you back down to Earth.
2. People in L.A. always say that they want to move to New York one day. “It’s been a dream! I’m just so jealous that you get to live there!” New Yorkers, on the other hand, constantly talk about leaving the city. “But I could never move to L.A. I hate it there!”
3. Dating in L.A. is mystery. HOW DO YOU MEET ANYONE? In New York, it’s easier but no one wants to ever settle down. 
4. In New York, you’re considered wealthy if you have a dishwasher in your apartment. In L.A., you’re rich if you live in a mansion.
5. L.A. knows how to make a good salad. New York knows how to make a good bagel. Somehow this crucial difference is more telling than anything else.