Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sh*T New Yorkers Say

If you ever wondered what the stereotype for New Yorkers is, then this is the perfect video to watch. This YouTube video is hilarious and pretty accurate!  It pokes fun at the "typical New Yorker", and I can honestly say I find myself saying so many of these things.  

I can relate to a lot of the things that they are saying and making fun of.  I'm ALWAYS asking where the train is and of course always complaining about Tourists!  Watch the video if you want a good laugh!

I find that New Yorkers have an edge to them, and people can always tell when you're not from the area.  Here are 5 differences between New Yorkers and people from LA:

1. Los Angeles is the land of delusions. You can live your life thinking you’re the best invention since sliced bread and no one will question your self-importance. New York is different.  if you do develop an ego and start to think you’re amazing, there will always be something to bring you back down to Earth.
2. People in L.A. always say that they want to move to New York one day. “It’s been a dream! I’m just so jealous that you get to live there!” New Yorkers, on the other hand, constantly talk about leaving the city. “But I could never move to L.A. I hate it there!”
3. Dating in L.A. is mystery. HOW DO YOU MEET ANYONE? In New York, it’s easier but no one wants to ever settle down. 
4. In New York, you’re considered wealthy if you have a dishwasher in your apartment. In L.A., you’re rich if you live in a mansion.
5. L.A. knows how to make a good salad. New York knows how to make a good bagel. Somehow this crucial difference is more telling than anything else.

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